Reduce Your Healthcare Costs With OrthoNOW
A True “No-Brainer” Cost Assessment
Lower Costs
We help you eliminate cost redundancies by eliminating the need for an initial visit to the emergency room or general urgent care center which won’t treat you. Both employer costs and patient out-of-pocket costs are drastically lowered. Clinical outcomes are better and faster, because a specialist treats a patient correctly on their first visit.
High Quality
Our specialist treats a patient within 70 minutes of entering the center. Emergency room visits can be slow, costly, and often result in incorrect treatment or miss-diagnosis by a general emergency room doctor opposed to an orthopedic specialist. These factors and more contribute to higher costs, poorer clinical outcomes and a slower return to health.
Bottom Line
For example, let’s look at a patient with simple wrist pain. An emergency room visit took the patient 105 days for full treatment at a cost of $12,450. Compared to a visit to OrthoNOW for the same reason, treatment took 7 days at a cost of $700. The yearly cost savings to this employer: $9,760,725.
It is like putting MONEY back into your budget!
Did You Know?
As employers you want to ensure our employees and their family’s have access to the best primary care physicians and dentists possible. But, what we tend to miss is what happens in an emergency or chronic pain situation. Patients often rely upon a “non-specialist” in the emergency room for treatment in these cases. The truth is ER’s are really referral sources that force your employees to endure budget-busting costs and long wait times just to be referred to a specialist (we refer to as referral roulette). This adds time to their recovery, lost time away from work, and can mean less than optimal healing outcomes for your employee.
Here Is The Good News
OrthoNOW can directly impact the quality of your employee’s healthcare and pocketbook.
1) Both company and employee costs are drastically reduced
2) Employees leave fully treated in under 70 min. and recovery times are shorter
3) Employees are seen by an orthopedic specialist on your first visit. (no need for referrals or duplicate services by multiple physicians)
4) Employees receive an accurate diagnosis and care on first visit resulting in better healing outcomes
Faster and better recovery means greater savings while you get back to being productive sooner!
Eye Opening Cost Comparison
Emergency Room
Emergency room visit
Cost: $1,800+
DAY 2: Follow up at occupational medical center
Cost: $250
Cost: $50
Urine toxicology
Cost: $800
Medications dispensed
Cost: $500
DAY 7: Physical therapy
Cost: $1,300
DAY 37: Follow up with occupational medical center
Cost: $150
DAY 40: MRI performed
Cost: $400
DAY 45: Follow up visit for results at occupational medical center
Cost: $150
Referral for orthopedic specialist
DAY 59: Consult with orthopedic specialist
Cost: $350
Wrist x-ray performed
Cost: $50
Urine toxicology
Cost: $800
DAY 69: Patient undergoes tenosynovectomy release
Cost: $4,400
DAY 73: Post-op physical therapy
Cost: $1,300
DAY 105: Patient returns to occupational medical center for maximum medical improvement
Cost: $150
TOTAL COST: 105 Days, $12,450
– Patient seen at OrthoNOW for wrist pain
– Upon examination patient found to be tender at radial wrist
Cost: $250
X-ray performed – Roberts view (special view)
– Negative for fracture and basal joint arthritis
– Grind test performed and is negative (used to rule out basal joint arthritis)
– Patient diagnosed with De Quervain’s Tendinitis
Cost: $50
Ultrasound guided corticosteroid
-Injection performed into the 1st extensor compartment
– No splint needed
– Patient returned to regular duty after 2 days of rest
Cost: $250
Patient returns to OrthoNOW for follow up and maximum medical improvement
Cost: $150
TOTAL COST: 7 Days, $700