Business Opportunity
OrthoNOW. The only national network of orthopedic care centers of its kind revolutionizing the way expert orthopedic healthcare is delivered… And now you have an opportunity to be a part of it…
We help you eliminate cost redundancies by eliminating the need for an initial visit to the emergency room or general urgent care center which won’t treat you. Both employer costs and patient out-of-pocket costs are drastically lowered. Clinical outcomes are better and faster, because a specialist treats a patient correctly on their first visit.
Our clinicians treat a patient within 70 minutes of entering the center. Emergency room visits can be slow, costly, and often result in incorrect treatment or mis-diagnosis by a general emergency room doctor as opposed to an orthopedic specialist. These factors and more contribute to higher costs, often poor clinical outcomes and a slower return to health.
For example, let’s look at a patient with simple wrist pain. An emergency room visit took the patient 105 days for full treatment at a cost of $12,450. Compared to a visit to OrthoNOW for the same reason, treatment took 7 days at a cost of $700. The yearly cost savings to the employer in this example would amount to: $9,760,725.
It is like putting MONEY back into your budget!
Right Care | Right Business | Right NOW
Did You Know?
- Recession Proof and Technology Resistant
- Proven Business System
- Experienced Leadership Team
- Clear Competitive Advantage in Fragmented Market
- Predictable, Reliable, Stable Business Model
- Proven Marketing Systems
- Growth Opportunities and Scalability
- Multiple and Residual Income Streams
- Enhanced Customer Lifetime Value
- State of the Art Proprietary Technology
- National Purchasing Programs
- Lifestyle Business
- An Opportunity to Give Back to your Community